In efforts directed at advancing our clients’ abilities to patent protect the consumer experiences (along with the configuration of their inventions,) Lyco Works has augmented patent analysis capabilities through acquisition of a license to PatSnap. Using this premium tool, we can now search over 122,000,000 patent documents from 119 jurisdictions around the world. The system also searches non-patent literature — particularly useful for chemical patent work, identification of patents litigated for infringement, and known license agreements.
Data can be synthesized and analyzed in numerous different ways, and graphically summarized to provide both detailed as well as executive summary information. This technology landscape summarizes around 1,200 patent documents assigned to The Procter & Gamble Co. that include visual, color, and tactile sensation claims.
Patents litigated for infringement are identified with red markers, while known licensed patents are marked in blue. Note the sky-blue “white-space” hiding behind the green patent hill in the foreground…
And, this graph shows the patent abandonment and renewal rate by year for the same dataset.
For smaller companies, when combined with Lyco Works’ approach to broaden their patent claims into consumer experience and product impact, these powerful searching and data synthesis capabilities can change the game when faced with a well resourced litigious competitor. For larger clients, if you are not already adopting this type of approach, you might want to consider doing so, otherwise, the smaller companies now nipping at your heals might eventually eat your lunch!
These two graphics represent a fraction of our capabilities. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services and pricing. [email protected] (678) 358-4569.